Publisher: Osprey Publishing
Book Description:
“Where The Iron Crosses Grow: The Crimea 1941-44” by Robert Forczyk is an in-depth examination of the intense battles that took place on the Crimean Peninsula during World War II. The book provides a detailed account of the military campaigns that unfolded between 1941 and […]

Book Description:
From frozen mountaintops to dusty city streets and everything in between, Run to the Sound of the Guns is a compelling and deeply personal account of a husband and father who nearly lost his life ‘leading the way’ in America’s secretive global wars. Nicholas Moore […]

Book Description:
Enduring Freedom, Enduring Voices places the first-hand accounts of serving men and women into the context of the military operations. Drawing on gripping oral histories, from theater commanders, Special Forces troops, reconstruction teams, and everyday soldiers, Michael G. Walling analyzes operations as they were experienced by […]