Title: The Killer Angels



Publication Date: 11/02/2004

ASIN: 0679643249

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Book Description:

The Killer Angels, first published in 1974, is a historical fiction novel about the Battle of Gettysburg, fought in July 1863. It tells the story of the days leading up to the battle and the battle itself through the perspectives of key combatants on both sides.  Furthermore, the author, Michael Shaara, won a Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1975 for his work on The Killer Angels.

The novel begins in the third year of the American Civil War. Following the Battle of Chancellorsville, General Lee moved his army west to advance up the Shenandoah and Cumberland Valleys. He hoped to invade the North and lure the Army of the Potomac into a decisive battle that could end the war.

The novel covers the major events of the three-day battle. Specifically, significant moments include Joshua Chamberlain’s bold decision to fix bayonets and launch a counterattack. This action took place on the Union’s extreme left flank. The 20th Maine was nearly out of ammunition and facing a potential Confederate breakthrough. Also, Lee’s controversial decision to assault the Union center with Longstreet’s Corps is detailed. Although Longstreet disagreed with the plan, he ultimately followed orders, leading to the infamous Pickett’s Charge across difficult terrain.

The Battle of Gettysburg’s influence on the Civil War and its outsized human cost ensures its lasting impact on history. The Killer Angels resonates with readers today due to Shaara’s exploration of the personal experiences of key figures from both sides. Human stories lie behind all conflicts, and The Killer Angels continues to help future generations understand the Civil War.

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