Title: The Kill Chain



Publication Date: 04/21/2020

ASIN: 031653353X

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Book Description:

The Kill Chain examines how rapid technological advances are revolutionizing modern warfare. Brose centers his analysis on the “kill chain,” the critical period from target detection to attack execution, now drastically shortened by innovations in artificial intelligence, drones, cyber warfare, and automation. He argues that traditional, linear command-and-control systems are increasingly inadequate, asserting that maintaining a technological edge alone is insufficient without fast decision-making and agile leadership.

A core theme is the paramount importance of speed. Modern adversaries exploit compressed decision cycles, pushing military forces to adopt decentralized, networked command structures that effectively blend human judgment with machine efficiency. However, Brose warns against an overreliance on automation, which can lead to data misinterpretation and unintended escalations. Instead, he advocates for a hybrid approach where experienced operators guide automated systems, ensuring critical decisions are made with caution and context.

Brose also criticizes the bureaucratic inertia within the U.S. defense establishment. He highlights how risk-averse cultures and outdated institutional practices stifle innovation, calling for significant reforms in military procurement, training, and strategic doctrine. These changes, he suggests, are essential to cultivate a more adaptable and forward-thinking military culture.

Ultimately, The Kill Chain serves as both a diagnostic of current military vulnerabilities and a compelling call to action. It offers valuable insights for policymakers and military leaders, emphasizing that future success in warfare will depend on the strategic integration of technology with decisive, human-led command.

You can view our review at The Military Reading Room here: The Kill Chain Review

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